Author Affiliations
1 National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
3 School of Physical Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai 201210, China
A 2-mm-long silicon-on-insulator grating emitter with a narrow angular full width at half-maximum (FWHM) and a high sideband suppression ratio (SSR) is proposed and designed. It consists of a Si3N4/Si grating with an approximate Gaussian emission profile along the grating length, which aims to reduce the sidelobe intensity of the scanning light in the far-field, thereby improving the resolution of the longitudinal steering resolution of the light detection and ranging (lidar). Numerical analysis shows that the angular FWHM of the emitted beam could be as low as 0.026° for a grating length of 2.247 mm and the input TE-like waveguide mode at 1550 nm, and the SSR could be more than 32.622 dB. Moreover, this Si3N4/Si grating exhibits a favorable fabrication error tolerance when considering the width and length variation of the Si3N4 overlayer in practice. Our design offers a promising platform for realizing integrated optical phased arrays for the long-distance solid-state lidar.
grating emitter coupled-mode theory genetic algorithm 
Chinese Optics Letters
2022, 20(12): 121301
Tianying Lin 1,2Ze Chen 1,2Xiaopei Zhang 1,2He Li 1,2[ ... ]Haibin Lü 1,2,**
Author Affiliations
1 National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
Photonic waveguide arrays provide a simple and versatile platform for simulating conventional topological systems. Here, we investigate a novel one-dimensional (1D) topological band structure, a dimer chain, consisting of silicon waveguides with alternating self-coupling and inter-coupling. Coupled mode theory is used to study topological features of such a model. It is found that topological invariants of our proposed model are described by the global Berry phase instead of the Berry phase of the upper or lower energy band, which is commonly used in the 1D topological models such as the Su–Schrieffer–Heeger model. Next, we design an array configuration composed of two dimer patterns with different global Berry phases to realize the topologically protected waveguiding. The topologically protected propagation feature is simulated based on the finite-difference time-domain method and then observed in the experiment. Our results provide an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of the topological defect state in a 1D silicon waveguide array, and may provide different routes for on-chip lightwave shaping and routing.
fiber optics fiber optics communications fiber optics imaging 
Chinese Optics Letters
2020, 18(5): 051301
Tianying Lin 1,2Ang Liu 1,2Xiaopei Zhang 1,2He Li 1,2[ ... ]Haibin Lü 1,2,**
Author Affiliations
1 National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
Inspired by recent rapid deep learning development, we present a convolutional-neural-network (CNN)-based algorithm to predict orbital angular momentum (OAM) mode purity in optical fibers using far-field patterns. It is found that this image-processing-based technique has an excellent ability in predicting the OAM mode purity, potentially eliminating the need of using bulk optic devices to project light into different polarization states in traditional methods. The excellent performance of our algorithm can be characterized by a prediction accuracy of 99.8% and correlation coefficient of 0.99994. Furthermore, the robustness of this technique against different sizes of testing sets and different phases between different fiber modes is also verified. Hence, such a technique has a great potential in simplifying the measuring process of OAM purity.
060.2310 Fiber optics 060.2330 Fiber optics communications 060.2350 Fiber optics imaging 
Chinese Optics Letters
2019, 17(10): 100603
1 云南大学 滇池学院, 昆明 650228
2 华中科技大学,武汉 430074
3 武汉盛德物联科技有限公司, 武汉 430074
ZigBee无线传感网络 网间串扰 网间通信 Z-Stack协议 ZigBee wireless sensor network inter-network crosstalk inter-network communication Z-Stack protocol 
2017, 43(4): 70
陈泽 1,2,*胡明勇 3
1 中国科学院南京天文仪器研制中心, 江苏 南京 210042
2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
3 合肥工业大学光电技术研究院, 安徽 合肥 230009
大口径、长焦距离轴三反射镜系统的设计过程中会出现透镜的挡光问题。 传统的优化方法降低了光学设计的效率,对成像质量有负面影响。实践表明用ZPL宏指令 可以解决这个问题。反射式平行光管设计指标为:通光口径500 mm, 焦距4000 mm, 波长范 围为400~1400 nm, 有效视场2°×1°, 点列图优于6 μm。根据设计指标计算了同轴三反射 镜(TMA)系统的初始光学结构参数,借助Zemax软件中的ZPL宏指令得出最终设计方案。结果表 明:各个视场的点列图均优于6 μm, 波像差均优于λ/25, 满足设计指标。ZPL宏指令辅 助设计在离轴多反射镜系统中能控制系统结构,避免挡光,提高设计效率和成像质量。
光学设计 离轴三反射镜系统 ZPL宏 大口径平行光管 optical design off-axial three-mirror anastigmat system ZPL macros collimator with large aperture 
2017, 34(1): 9
1 中国科学院南京天文仪器研制中心,南京 210042
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3 合肥工业大学 光电技术研究院,合肥 230009
在非球面的检测中,工艺球面补偿检测是最普遍的方法。针对该方法适用范围的局限性,本文提出了应用工艺球面补偿检测时非球面所必须满足的条件。根据波像差理论和瑞利判据,推导出凸二次曲面能够应用工艺球面补偿检测所必须满足的条件,并采用有限距离正面补偿检测的方法,对工艺球面补偿检测的局限性提出了改进。最终结果表明本文所提出的理论能够判定,所需要研制的凸双曲面镜不能直接应用工艺球面补偿检测,而组合补偿检测方法能够保证凸双曲面的面形精度δPV=0.159 8λ 优于λ/6(λ=632.8 nm),满足技术指标。
光学检测 瑞利判据 凸二次曲面 像差理论 optical test Rayleigh criterion convex quadric surface aberration theory 
2016, 43(9): 56
何莉 1,*何明 1曹民 2张德津 2[ ... ]陈泽 1
1 湖北工业大学电气与电子工程学院自动化系, 湖北 武汉 430068
2 武汉武大卓越科技有限责任公司, 湖北 武汉 430223
公路横纵坡的传统人工检测方法速度慢、精度差、效率低、需交通管制,在实时性、灵活性和安全性等方面存在严重不足。采用4台激光测距机(LRF)形成激光测距阵列,结合全球定位系统(GPS)和惯性测量单元(IMU)构建测量平面,实现公路横纵坡的检测。设计了一种基于相对运动的标定方法,通过获取激光测距阵列的偏差角修正前期测量数据进行标定,从而有效提高了测量精度。最后在实际路段进行检测,结果显示经过标定后测量精度提高了5% 左右,横纵坡数据测量重复度达到95% 以上,相关度均达到99.9%,完全能满足公路路基路面现场测试规程要求。
测量 标定 激光测距机 横纵坡 惯性测量单元 
2016, 53(6): 061201
韩飞 1,2,*胡明勇 1,2,3毕勇 1,2,3陈远 1,2[ ... ]陈泽 1,2
1 中国科学院 南京天文仪器研制中心, 南京 210042
2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100039
3 中国科学院 南京天文仪器有限公司, 南京 210042
为了减弱振动对车载激光雷达测量精度和稳定性的影响, 借鉴浮筏减振系统在船舶领域的成功使用, 对其进行了浮筏减振布局设计。采用多刚体动力学建模方法对系统在简谐激励下的减振性能进行了分析, 得出系统各处减振器参量对系统减振效果的影响。根据选定的减振参量, 结合所选车型, 经过计算得到激光雷达主体的传递率峰值, 有效避开了汽车运输过程中的激振频率, 且几乎在有效的激振频率范围内传递率曲线都小于1; 经计算得到冲击作用下的振动量程没有越过减震器的有效减震范围, 符合理论要求; 通过振动状态下激光雷达和探空气球所测风速数据的对比, 验证了减振设计对保证测量精度的效果; 通过静止和模拟振动状态下激光雷达的锁频效果对比, 证明了浮法减振设计在车载系统中应用的可靠性。结果表明, 浮筏减振设计应用于车载测风激光雷达是合理的、成功的。
激光技术 车载测风激光雷达 浮筏 多刚体动力学建模方法 振动传递率 风速 锁频 laser technique mobile wind lidar floating raft multi-body dynamics modeling method vibration passing rate wind speed frequency locking 
2016, 40(1): 47
湖南师范大学生命科学学院, 湖南 长沙 410081
巨细胞病毒(Cytomegalovirus, CMV)在人群中感染普遍, 对婴幼儿及免疫低下人群中造成严重疾病, 目前还没有针对该病毒的商品化疫苗。本研究以BALB/c小鼠为动物模型, 探讨鼠巨细胞病毒(Murine cytomegalovirus, MCMV)IE-1 DNA疫苗和MCMV灭活疫苗联合免疫抗MCMV感染的免疫保护效果。将编码IE-1基因的DNA疫苗(pIE-1)通过肌肉注射辅以电穿孔的方式对小鼠进行初免, 再用全病毒灭活疫苗单独或者辅以MF59佐剂进行加强免疫, 分别通过ELISA和ELISPOT方法检测到联合免疫策略在免疫组小鼠体内诱导了MCMV特异性的抗体应答和CTL应答; 免疫两周后用3×LD50致死剂量MCMV感染小鼠, 疫苗对小鼠的免疫保护通过检测小鼠存活率、重要器官中的病毒滴度及体重丢失率来评价。结果显示, 与单独免疫DNA疫苗或灭活疫苗相比, IE-1 DNA疫苗联合灭活疫苗组能同时在小鼠体内诱导体液免疫和细胞免疫应答, 并提供小鼠完全保护; 而且MF59辅以灭活疫苗免疫小鼠能增强疫苗的免疫效果。
巨细胞病毒 DNA疫苗 灭活疫苗 即刻早期基因 CMV DNA vaccine inactivated vaccine IE-1 gene 
2014, 23(3): 239
1 湖南师范大学生命科学学院, 湖南 长沙 410081
2 中南大学湘雅医学院, 湖南 长沙 410078
探讨枸杞多糖(Lycium barbarum polysaccharide, LBP)对不同剂量甲型H1N1流感裂解疫苗黏膜免疫的佐剂效力。设单独免疫LBP组和不免疫组作为对照, BALB/c小鼠以滴鼻方式免疫两次, 间隔三周, 二次免疫后两周收集小鼠血清、鼻洗液和脾脏淋巴细胞。结果显示血清中甲流特异性IgG和HI抗体滴度与接种疫苗剂量呈正相关, LBP的添加可提高体内抗体水平。高剂量组小鼠鼻洗液中也检测到特殊异性sIgA。单独疫苗组和添加佐剂组均能在体内诱导产生IgG1和IgG2a, 所有组别IgG1抗体水平均略高于IgG2a, 表明滴鼻接种裂解疫苗诱导Th1/Th2混合型免疫, LBP对Th1和Th2型免疫反应均有增强作用。高剂量疫苗添加LBP佐剂组小鼠脾脏细胞分泌IFN-γ水平显著高于其他组别, 表明其在小鼠体内诱导了较强烈的细胞免疫反应。以上实验结果均证实LBP可以作为佐剂增强甲流裂解疫苗经黏膜途径免疫时的免疫效力。
甲型H1N1流感裂解疫苗 黏膜免疫 枸杞多糖 佐剂 split pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza vaccine intranasal administration lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP) adjuvant 
2012, 21(6): 523

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